Images Students Enjoyment Communicate Projects


Materials Needed for the Project:

* Canned Nacho Cheese
* Tortilla Chips
* Store-Bought Guacamole
* Sliced Jalapenos
* Sour Cream
* Stove
* Large Pot, Ladle, Serving Utensils, Can Opener, Plates, & Napkins


This project was conceived in Costco. As many of you know, the candy we sell is bought there and while searching for the candy one day, I came across this large can of nacho cheese. The rest is history as they say. Anyhow, this project is quick and easy. Start by opening the can of cheese and emptying it into your pot. Turn your stove to high and wait until the cheese begins to bubble. Once the bubbling commences, reduce to medium heat and stir constantly for about ten minutes. If in doubt, refer to the instructions on the can itself. while the cheese is heating up, arrange a hearty amount of tortilla chips onto your plate. Once the cheese is ready, ladle an amount that is pleasing to you over your chips. Next, add a few dollops of the sour cream and guacamole, and a handful of jalapenos. Now it's ready to eat!