Images Students Enjoyment Communicate Projects

Valentine Man Statue

Materials Needed for the Project:

* 2 Large Wooden Hearts 1/4" Thick
* 1 Small wooden Heart 1/4" Thick
* 3 Heart Woodsies
* 2 Wooden Clothespins
* Red, Black, & Blue Acrylic Paint
* High Gloss Acrylic Spray
* Googly Eyes
* Paintbrushes, Hot Glue Gun, Saw


First, take one of the clothespins and saw it in half where it begins to open up. These will be the arms. The next step is painting. Everything that is painted requires two coats on all sides. The arms, 1 large heart, 1 woodsie, and the clothespin are painted red; the other large heart is painted black; and the small wooden heart and remaining woodsies are painted blue. After the paint is dry, spray all pieces with the acrylic spray and let dry. Finally, it's time to glue. Start with the face, glue the googly eyes and small wooden heart onto the large red heart. Next, glue the clothespin to the black heart. Be sure to place it with the opening up and towards the bottom of the heart. Also, the clothespin openings should be facing the sides of the heart. After that, glue the head into the opening of the clothespin. It should be facing toward the top of the black heart. Then take the one red woodsie and glue it, face up, underneath the head and into the front side of the clothespin. Next, take the blue woodsies and glue them to the end of the arms. Finally, glue an arm to each side of the red woodsie.