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Don't Bother Me

Nickname Generator

RedKid's Mood
Unfortunately, school isn't always fun, so RedKid has created this section of the site to help you unwind, relax, and have some fun.

Most of the activities in this section of RedKid can be done solo, but you'll need an online partner if you would like to play Chess or Scrabble.

Also, please note that many of the features found here can be quite addictive, so be sure your homework is done before you indulge in any of these pages. ; )

RedKid History Lesson:

Sometime around Y2K, this web site became more than just a student of the week page, and began adding different features. In order to refer to the site, a title was needed. RedKid was not in the lexicon yet, and so we went by the name... "The Place to Be."

Mad Libs
Magic 8 Ball