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All of the projects found within this section are RedKid originals or have been borrowed, adapted, or modified from some of the countries top educators. They offer complete instructions that will, hopefully, make it easy for you to complete them.

Remember, if you use one of these projects successfully, be sure to give RedKid some credit, but if you do one of these projects unsuccessfully, be sure to take all of the credit for yourself.

If you have a project that you think would interest RedKid, be sure to contact us.
RedKid History Lesson:

During the 2004-2005 school year, aside from studying math, science, language arts, and social studies, students created a weekly craft project. The project was called "Fun Friday" as it was completed during the last period each Friday. Students sold candy to fund the project, purchased the necessary supplies, and gave input into what type of project they would like to make.

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