Images Students Enjoyment Communicate Projects


A Cinquain is a 5 line poem based on syllables. The amount of syllables for the lines looks like this 2-4-6-8-2. We also decided to put the following guidelines in for our Cinquains, however, this is purely optional:A Cinquain is a 5 line poem based on syllables. The amount of syllables for the lines looks like this 2-4-6-8-2. We also decided to put the following guidelines in for our Cinquains, however, this is purely optional:

Line 1: Title Noun
Line 2: Description
Line 3: Action
Line 4: Feeling or Effect
Line 5: Synonym of the initial noun.

Here is an example:

My Dog
Black, Cute, Snuggly
Loves to Sleep All Day Long
She Brings so Much Joy to My Life