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A Limerick is a 5 line poem that is meant to be humorous. Students seem to have a hard time writing these due to their somewhat difficult rhyme scheme.

There once was a girl from New York
Who had trouble using a fork
She ate with her feet
And was really neat
But she really looked like a dork

The poem above should be read with the following metre:

da DUM da da DUM da da DUM
da DUM da da DUM da da DUM
da DUM da da DUM
da DUM da da DUM
da DUM da da DUM da da DUM

Furthermore, lines 1, 2, & 5 must rhyme with each other and lines 3 and 4 must rhyme with each other. If you can't seem to get the metre to work, you might try breaking the lines down into syllables.

Line 1: 8 syllables
Line 2: 8 syllables
Line 3: 5 syllables
Line 4: 5 syllables
Line 5: 8 syllables

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